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Subject Line: Beat the Winter Blues at {Gym}

Don't let Summer sneak up on you again! Even if you've already got your “Summer beach body” don't let the Winter Blahs get you down!

Studies show that regular exercise and activity can improve your well being and mental health as the days get shorter and colder!

It could improve your immune system

The winter season brings with it extra colds, sniffles and flu. Exercise is a great way to help boost your immune system and fight off illness, as getting your blood pumping helps to circulate immune cells and detect and destroy infection more effectively.

It can help you curb cravings

Less sunlight during winter makes serotonin effective and unfortunately this leaves you feeling tired and hungry, which can trigger cravings!  Exercise is proven to boost your serotonin – so you get your boost the healthy way and can resist those high cal goodies!

It can give you a detoxing boost

With all the holiday parties and get-togethers, many of us have a few extra libations around the holiday season. Moderate exercise increases the blood flow to the liver improving its ability to detoxify waste.

It can improve your mood by releasing endorphins

Winter is the hardest time to remain positive, motivated and productive, especially during your gym workouts. Studies show that exercise helps to boost endorphins, “feel-good hormones.”

It's cold outside…. but it's nice and warm inside {Gym}

So come on! Lets get happy!! Connect with me here: Chat Here